File restore from cloud

Creation date: 1/27/2025 2:44 PM    Updated: 1/27/2025 2:44 PM   backup cloud restore
To restore a backup from the cloud, go to the veeam dashboard, navigate to home>object storage and find the machine you want to restore.

When you find the machine you want to restore, right click and select "restore guest files"

From here select the restore point you wish to use, be sure to use the latest restore point that will work 

From here, you can browse and find the file you are looking for, you can enter the files location here to find it. If you dont find the file your looking for, go back and try a restore point from farther back.

Once you find the file you need to restore, right click the file, and select restore and keep. The keep option will not overwrite any existing files, and the restore file will show up as a "copy"

Once you runt the restore, depending on the size of the file, it will take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.
Once it is done, you will have this message showing that it successfully was recovered. The restored filed will be in its folder now.
