How to add in a new menu item in EFI Radius

To get to Buffalo's Radius Remote into and for  Aurora its

Go to System, Menu and Programs, Menu Maintenance

Then go to the menu in question , In this instance I would go to Debbie's Menu

Then Click on Menu's Item's and then scroll down to the report in question in this case, Debbie has asked me to copy Customer Shipments by Month. Click on the report and then click update

The only thing you need to remember is the Program/Menu Code. Copy it and then click the red circle to get out of the record.

Now its time to put the report in the recipients menu. If you are unsure of where to find the recipients menu go to System- Users, Users, Then for the Name field type in their full name. Then click search. The name of their menu is listed under vision menu

Then go into each of the menu's in menu maintenance and put the report under reports , click the plus sign and do a search and enter in the program/menu code. Everything will auto populate in.

Click Save and your done 

Creation date: 6/2/2022 11:16 AM      Updated: 6/2/2022 11:16 AM
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