Slit on Press step is missing 

Open radius , go to production , jobs , type in the job number, right click on the job , do key information , estimate entry amend. 

Go into versions -> labor , click on the press , details , ensure the slit check box is checked. Then put in your lanes , typically you should be putting in 2 lanes. But this will depend on the job.
Then click ok
Click save , By clicking save your calculator will turn red .  click the red calculator to recaulcate, then ok.
Click yes to overwrite changes.
Recofirm the job , with the clipboard with the three bullet point ,  click reconfirm production job details. then click reconfirm.
Call the scheduler have them reconfirm it in psa

Reprint the work instructions
Go into production -> work instructions  -> Work Instruction -> -> Click the view button -> 

Then enter in your job number.
New work instructions will auto-populate. Give these to the press operator.

Close out of the DCU, reopen it. This should take care of the issue.

Important if the press operator has already printed rolls, you need to reprint the labels 
To do this go into wip tracking, generate trace labels, type in your work center, type in the job code, print change is 1 ,Number of trace  labels

Go into receive wip inventory, click the plus , click the newly generate trace id in the output.
Type in the work center. Step number is 1250 for the press
print change is 1 
Enter in the quantity 
Receipt location is who4
Sequence number will correspond with the roll number. 
Enter input is going to be your raw material tag 

We must do this each time for each roll

To print a trace label go into wip tracking, reprint trace label
Input is your raw material , and output is your trace label.  
Your done
Creation date: 1/7/2022 4:49 PM      Updated: 1/10/2022 3:39 PM
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