How To Use the Barracuda Email Portal

Creation date: 2/7/2025 10:19 AM    Updated: 2/7/2025 10:40 AM   barracuda exempt guide portal user whitelist
If you need to release an email to your inbox, follow the steps below.

1. Login to Barracuda: Head to this link: and sign-in. If you have trouble signing in and need to reset your password, use the steps in this article:

2. View your message log: Once logged into Barracuda, select the 3 bars on the left to view your message log. At the top you have various filters, update your filter "Delivery Status" to "Not Delivered" to view all blocked messages sent to your inbox. You can also view blocked emails for up to 30 days prior by changing "Data Presets" to "1 Month"

3. Find the blocked email: Search through your message log and find the blocked email you wish to deliver. Once you find the email, select the check box next to it, and select the deliver icon to push it for delivery. That is it, the email will deliver to your inbox shortly after.

If you need to whitelist a sender, follow the steps below.

1. Login to Barracuda: Head to this link: and sign-in. If you have trouble signing in and need to reset your password, use the steps in this article:

2. Open Sender Policy: On the left, select the gear icon and select "Sender Policy" 

3. Add your sender to the whitelist: You will see 3 boxes, under "Sender" enter the email of the user you wish to unblock, under "policy" choose exempt, under "Comment" write a comment or leave it blank. Finally, choose "Add" to add the sender to your exempt list.

4. IMPORTANT NOTE*: It is important to note that the IT Departments block list will always OVERRIDE your exempt list. You will know your exempt rule is being overridden when you see this warning next to your exempted sender. Should you need a user unblocked when you have this warning, you will need to submit a ticket to the Help Desk.

5. If you need an email or domain unblocked for all users, please submit an IT ticket. 