Basic file recovery

Creation date: 12/18/2024 10:53 AM    Updated: 1/10/2025 12:50 PM   file recovery howto veeam

First, ask for the full file location, for an example we will use H:\LayneP\LKagent (2).zip 

Go into the tergum associated with that drives location, and go to disk 

Then find the disk for that drive's server 

Then right click the disk and select "restore guest files"


Here you will see each of the restore points, select the restore point closest to when the file was deleted/altered. 

Once you find the right restore point, select it and click next>browse, here you will see a complete copy of all the files in that restore point

You can navigate through these the same as you use file explorer, or you can just take the file location of the missing file and enter it here.

Right click the file you need to restore and select restore>Keep

You will see this while the file is restoring, this can take up to a few minutes depending on the file size
It will show success once its complete and you can hit close.

Ask the user to go back and the file should be back in its normal location

Enter file path and last date your remember seeing the file.