Send Encrypted email

Creation date: 8/8/2024 1:42 PM    Updated: 1/2/2025 1:08 PM   email encryption outlook send
*This does not work on new outlook as of 8-8-24*

When creating a new email select the Options tab:

Once in Options select Encrypt:

Pick an option from one of the following:

Encrypt-Only: Recipients can forward, print, and copy from the message but are unable to  modify it or Save As; encryption will remain in place if the email is forwarded

Do Not Forward: Prevents recipients from forwarding the email to anyone else; prevents printing and protects contents using encryption

Confidential All Employees: Prevents external recipients from viewing the email, prevents forwarding and printing, and protects contents using encryption 

Highly Confidential All Employees:  Prevents external recipients from viewing the email, prevents forwarding, replying and printing, and protects contents using encryption 

Then write your email and send it like you normally would. This will add a level of protection to any service documents like credit card numbers and social security numbers. 