How to use eFax Messenger

Creation date: 7/9/2024 1:08 PM    Updated: 9/5/2024 11:08 AM   efax efax messenger fax
All CP locations are moving to eFaxing. There is a dedicated app called eFax messenger that will be used to send and receive faxes. 

This article will give you an overview on how to use this software. 

The number per site are as follows
Bristol: 717-326-1091
Buffalo: 716-303-7791

The login password is the same for all numbers. Please reach out to IT if you need the password. 
*Note: Please do not change the password on the eFax account.

This app looks like this:

1. To get started, open eFax Messenger and login. 
*Its important to note that eFax will keep you logged in. There is no need to click "Log out". Just click the X in the top right when finished using eFax Messenger and the next time you open it, you will be auto logged in.

2. This is the homepage. To compose a new fax, select New Fax in the top left or Compose a Fax in the middle 

3. You will be taken to the fax customization page.

4. By default there is a cover letter attached, you can remove it by unchecking the "include cover page" box right underneath:

5. Right underneath the cover page is a blank page with a +, this is where you add what you want to fax. Select the + and select import image. You can attach what you need through here. 

6. Once you attach the image you can enter the fax information at the top. Fax # you are sending to, Attention, and company. Once you have all the information filled out and the pages attached, click 'send fax' on the left to send your fax. 

You can also view incoming faxes. 

On the home page, select 'view faxes' in the middle to be taken to the received faxes page, here you can view your inbox, sent faxes, drafts, and deleted faxes. 

That is it for sending and receiving faxes through eFax messenger!
This should only be used if there is no specific category for your software issue.