User Reset Password

Creation date: 2/3/2024 7:15 PM    Updated: 2/3/2024 7:36 PM   email email password locked out lockedout office365 password prefpk
 Open Edge and click these 3 dots at the top right of the screen:

Open a new InPrivateWindow

Go to

Click Signin
Type in your NEW EMAIL

You should get a Green Background screen and asking for password:

Type in the password that Chadwick or Lenin have (or if IT ask Max)
And use that to login and use that as the "Current Password" location
And Type in your new password.

You can choose what you would like:

Now if you have gotten this far you are good to log into your account going forward. 

It will ask you for two factor authentication as well. 

Please Download the Microsoft authenticator app from the Google Play Store or the Apple Store.