Job not in autocount (LK)

Creation date: 12/5/2023 3:55 PM    Updated: 12/6/2024 10:02 AM   autocount eps job job not in autocount
If a job is not showing up in autocount, there are two quick solutions, 
1. Log into the aurora plantmgr (aurora\plantmgr password:Plant$20)

Go into the services tab and restart the EPS Auto-Count (Plant '1' Autocount: (machine name) 

After restarting log into the machine and see if the job is now showing up.

2. The job may be closed out, to check, go to the plantmanger web page for LK (\\>manufacturing>AutocountMachs>plantmanager)


From here, go to the "run Queue" option

And select the "filter" option

Once at the filter option, enter the job number that is not showing up, 
if the job is displayed as green, it is running in the machine as it should be, if it is red, it has prematurely closed, either by the operator or a mistake in the system.

If it is red, you or the operator can go into the "completed runs" tab in autocount on the machine,  once you see the job that incorrectly marked as complete, select it and click the green triangle to begin running it.
