Blocking or Allowing Email Barracuda ESS

Creation date: 7/19/2023 12:21 PM    Updated: 7/19/2023 12:46 PM   barracuda blcoked email email emails blocked phish phishing security spam email

Barracuda Whitelist Email/Domain - Setup Guide

Step 1

Log in to Barracuda as an administrator (You should have received an account from your IT superior).

Step 2

Navigate to the "Domains" section.

Step 3:

Find and click on "Manage" for the desired domain (e.g.,

Step 4:

You should now be on the settings page for Click on "Inbound Settings." You will also see “You are now managing settings for

Step 5

Select "Sender Policies."

Step 6

A: To add a domain or email, follow this format: or Do not include wildcards such as * or, as it will not work. Consider whether the user needs to receive all emails from the entire domain or just a specific email address.

B: Choose between "Exempt" or "Block": - "Block": Prevents the domain from receiving emails from the specified domain or email address. - "Exempt": Bypasses all rules for email protection and delivers the message directly to the recipient's email.

C: In the comment section, please provide information about the request. For example, specify who requested the email to be unblocked or blocked. Use a format like "Exempt per Dan Ward" or "Blocked per Dan Ward" to maintain a record of the action.
