How to Create a Shortcut to a Webpage

Creation date: 8/25/2021 4:23 PM    Updated: 12/18/2024 3:35 PM   shortcut url webpage
The steps in this article show you how to create a shortcut to a webpage on your desktop.

1. Open the webpage and right click > copy the link from the URL.

2. Once copied go to your desktop. (Where all of your apps and current shortcuts are)
Right click on blank space and select new->Shortcut

3. In the new shortcut pop up box click on the box. Then right click and select paste. (You have to click on it first so Windows knows which box to paste into)

4. Once pasted click next.

5. Type in a name you want it to be called. Then click finish.

Shortcut should now be on your desktop.

Your icon may look different depending on your web browser. 
