Cannot Open Radius DCU (Buffalo)

Creation date: 3/22/2021 10:04 AM    Updated: 12/4/2024 1:32 PM   dcu mdi msgopen promsgs radius unable to open message file
When trying to open Radius application (MDI) or a Data Collection Unit (DCU) on a shop floor computer the following message appears:

msgOpen: unable to open message file: PROMSGS

This error occurs when the mapped are not being recognized by Windows. Check for red X's in file explorer and click to re-establish the connection or remap the drives:

T:\ (\\efi-app\radius)
V:\ (\\efi-app\radius)


Radius programs are actually Progress Database 4GL programs which are run by a windows shell program (ProWin32.exe)  and are launched with command-line arguments containing letter drive paths to various initialization files (ini) such as:

C:\Progressx86\OpenEdge\bin\prowin32.exe -ini "V:\RadiusLive\runpecas.ini" -pf "V:\RadiusLive\" -assemblies assemblies -p window\wstartupMDI.r

If the mapped drives (T: V:) are disconnected and not recognized by Windows the above launch will fail with the msgOpen error. Forcing Windows to "see" the drives will allow the application to run.
