PSA Second copy fix

Creation date: 3/12/2021 10:50 AM    Updated: 3/12/2021 10:54 AM   microsoft access runtime
This problem has one of two causes.  Most often this is caused by an error with Microsoft Access Runtime and the program needs to be reinstalled. 

Sometimes however there is an actual second copy running in the background.

Step 1:

Check to see if a second copy is running in the task manager.

Step 2:

If there is a second copy running silently in the back ground kill the process.

Otherwise skip to step 4

Step 3:

Relaunch PSA and have the user attempt to log in again.

Step 4:

If the user is still getting a second copy error Dancer ( has a PDQ script named PSA3 Quick Fix.

This will restart their computer.

Deploy once to target computer.

Often takes between 2 and 15 minutes to run depending on the computer.