How to Add a Printer by IP Address

Creation date: 5/27/2020 3:44 PM    Updated: 12/6/2024 12:15 PM   add add printer ip address new printer printer
Go to the search bar at the bottom left of your PC's screen. 

Then search for printers & scanners and click on Printers & scanners.

Click on add a printer or scanner and wait for the list to refresh.

Once the list refreshes scroll to the bottom and click on "the printer that I want isn't listed"

After that click on Add a printer using TCP/IP address or hostname

On the next screen type in the IP address that was provided to you. (Port name will autofill)

Once you click next you will get a pop up asking for the printer name. You can leave it as is or change the name to something else.

Click next and do not share the printer.

Lastly print a test page and click finish! The printer should be added.
